TRUMP: ‘I went to the bunker for an inspection’

Embarrassed that the Secret Service took him and the first family to the White House bunker during Friday’s protests, BunkerBitch now claims he went there for ‘…a tiny, short little period of time…for an inspection.”

“It was a false report,” Trump told Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade during a radio interview Wednesday morning, insisting that he went down to the bunker to “inspect” it during the daytime and not during the protests at night.

“I went down during the day and I was there for a tiny period of time,” Trump said. “These problems are during the night, not during the day.”

“I’ve gone two or three times, all for inspection,” the president continued. Trump said there was never a need for Secret Service agents to move him to the bunker during the evening protests.

“There was never a problem,” Trump said. “Nobody ever came close to giving us a problem.”

The Hill:
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