The ACLU is suing Donnie and Billy for Monday’s tear gas fascist photo op

Protesters and the American Civil Liberties Union sued President Donald Trump, Attorney General William Barr and other top officials on Thursday, alleging their civil rights were violated when police used violent crowd control measures to disperse hundreds of peaceful demonstrators from Lafayette Square so Trump could pose for photos before a nearby church.

In the lawsuit filed on behalf of Black Lives Matter D.C. and individual protesters in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, the plaintiffs argue that their First Amendment rights to protest and their Fourth Amendment rights were violated when U.S. law enforcement agents fired tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and flash bombs to force them and other peaceful protesters to disperse Monday evening near the White House.

Barr, during a press conference Thursday, said the use of force was not connected to Trump’s movement to the church but due to the escalation of the protest in the area and was done to protect federal property and agents by expanding a “buffer zone,” stating violent protesters were throwing projectiles amid the peaceful protesters.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.