Free Chat Friday, Week 24

You are what you grab..:-)

Happy Friday, News Viewers, …… Now if only we had something to talk about — too bad there’s nothing going on around here. . .😁😜 Yeah, kidding. What we really need is some kind of spreadsheet or pie chart to keep all these news events straight: interesting is the fact that at the center of everything going on is Trump. He has injected himself into every corner of our lives and by doing so made a pandemic more deadly, made protests into delusional conspiracies, made voting a risk to our very lives. In short, Donald corrupts and does it every time.

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Favorite comic line? “You are what you grab.” So what does that make Donald?

Let’s talk about it, get it out there…..let us know what’s going on in your neck of the woods, events, ideas, solutions and oh, remember lockdown? If you’re sticking close to home and 6-9 feet away from others, thank you for helping to keep others from getting sick. . .