Buffalo Protester Martin Gugino Has a Fractured Skull and Cannot Walk

Martin Gugino, the 75-year-old protester who was pushed to the ground in Buffalo, New York, has a skull fracture and is not able to walk, according to his lawyer. He remains in rehabilitation.

“I am not at liberty to elaborate at this time other than to confirm that his skull was fractured,” Gugino’s attorney Kelly Zarcone said. “While he is not able to walk yet, we were able to have a short conversation before he became too tired. He is appreciative of all of the concern about him but he is still focused on the issues rather than himself.”

When Gugino was pushed to the ground by two police officers, video showed blood pooling on the sidewalk beneath him while officers walked past him. Two officers have pleaded not guilty to second degree assault charges and were released without bail.

Trump and his favorite “news” channel OAN began pushing the theory that Gugino was an “antifa provocateur.” Trump’s theory began with an OAN fairy tale based on a blog post from conspiracy theory website The Conservative Treehouse, which falsely accused Gugino of high-tech espionage for antifa.

The OAN reporter, Kristian Rouz, is a Russian national living in San Diego since 2017, where OAN is based. Rouz is also on the Kremlin payroll as a writer for Sputnik, the Russian-based propaganda news wire outlet.

Targets of Rouz have included Hillary Clinton, who supposedly was bankrolling antifa efforts with $800,000 worth of bats, hammers, and bricks. Rouz also portrayed George Soros as a Nazi collaborator and fundraiser for migrant caravans.

CNN, and Daily Beast were sources. More also here.