Michele Bachmann Blames Trump Administration Middle East Peace Plan for COVID-19, Civil Unrest


Bachmann, who currently serves as a so-called “pastor to the United Nations,” has warned that an effort by the United States to put any sort of pressure on Israel will anger God. An ardent supporter of President Donald Trump, Bachmann nevertheless declared during her appearance on Markell’s program that the Trump administration’s proposed peace plan has done just that and is therefore responsible for the “distress” that America is currently experiencing.

“Jerusalem is an eternal, undivided city and must never be divided,” Bachmann continued. “I would call upon the White House to withdraw that plan, and it just may be that the Lord and his grace and mercy may likely lift the distress upon our land even in our time and resume his hand of favor, which was so clear and evident until Jan. 28, 2020. That is my request. That is my prayer. I love our president. I pray for him daily. I just ask the question: In light of scripture, in light of the day that we live in, could it be that this distress could have in part been caused by this? And could it be that this distress would be relieved if action would be taken to come into conformity with a clear word of God?”

Right Wing Watch

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