DeVos demands ‘fully operational’ schools in the fall: ‘Not a matter of if’

COVID-19 andSchools

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday told the country’s governors in a conference call that she expects schools to be “fully operational” come the fall, regardless of the coronavirus pandemic.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos speaks about the coronavirus on March 27, 2020, at the White House. (Alex Brandon/AP)

“Ultimately, it’s not a matter of if schools need to open, it’s a matter of how,” DeVos told governors, The Associated Press reports. “School[s] must reopen, they must be fully operational. And how that happens is best left to education and community leaders.”

DeVos’s words echo the White House’s stance on the matter, as President Trump has staunchly supported in-person teaching returning for the upcoming school year. On Monday, Trump claimed in a tweet that the Democratic lawmakers wanted to keep schools shuttered in the fall for “political reasons.”

Source: The Hill