TRUMP: ‘Biden and Obama stopped their testing…’for a disease that didn’t exist When Life was Sweet

So, Trump participated in a “Red White and The Blue” roundtable that focused on positive interactions with law enforcement.

Here is their story:

During the event, Trump continued his attacks on Chicago’s crime stats but added NYC to his one hit wonder repertoire. Since Trump can no longer run on the economy and COVID-19 plus civil unrest has pretty much made his disastrous presidency even more disastrous, Trump’s only hope is ginning up the White Supremacy angle and playing the LAW AND ORDER card (unless it comes to pardoning or commuting his criminal orbit, then—ixnay on the law and orderay).

“‘Can you imagine if the country was run like Chicago and like New York and like some of these other Democrat super radical left cities are run?

“You wouldn’t have a country for very long.”

-The Liar, Racist, and Idiot in Chief

“In recent weeks, our country’s police officers have been really under siege,” Trump said, adding, “radical politicians want to defund and abolish the police from our nation.”

-The same Liar, Racist, and Idiot in Chief

No one has suggested abolishing police.

Chicago Sun Times:

After the event, Trump answered a few questions from the press, which focused on COVID-19.

Sure, President Obama and VP Biden stopped testing for a disease that did not even exist during their tenure. WTF?!?! Who believes this guy?!?!

If you have the time (and stomach) to watch Trump’s bigly roundtable, enjoy!

And for your viewing pleasure:

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!