Covid-19 Pandemic USA Update

As of 18:47 Hrs EDT on 7/22/20

146,107 Americans are confirmed to have died from the Covid-19 virus, up 1,154 from 7/21.  This is the 2nd day in a row with over 1,000 deaths. This has not been seen since mid May.

The steep increase in deaths is from the extreme increase in contractions of the Covid-19 virus throughout the South and Southwest beginning  in the first week of July.

4,098,478 Americans are confirmed to have contracted the Covid-19 virus, up 69,909 from 7/21.

The last 5 days, 7/18-7/22, have seen all days with over 60,000 contractions for the first time in the pandemic and a total of 320,000 contractions for these 5 days.

Article submitted by, ronald mcdonnel.