Free Chat Friday, Week 30

Happy Friday News Viewers, I overslept today, running late, but this is 2020, Pandemic-Lockdown-Wake-up in time for the nap, and stay awake at all times in all time zones because that’s CHAT time. We do it well—This community is a class operation, and funny, my gawd. And that’s why anything goes, and almost everything stays— well, douchery is deleted, but not much else🥳😎 . And at this rate, we will never run out of things to contemplate, process, discuss, vent about, joke about —our survival tools.

What IS going on in your neck of the woods? For me, here in Trumplandia, the vast maskless holler, life proceeds and at last, I understand the final words of the whackadoo charmer Matthew McConaughey from the first season of True Detective……..

Whoa. That’s like deep, man…… 😎