Jerry Falwell explains why he and his wife’s assistant were photographed with their pants undone

Do as I say, not who I do! 🤣

Falwell apologizes: ‘I’m gonna try to be a good boy’ 🥴


The Liberty University president said he regrets his Instagram post, but said the party was harmless summer fun!

“I’ve apologized to everybody,” Falwell said in an interview on the Morningline show on WLNI 105.9FM, a local radio station in Lynchburg, Va., Falwell’s home town and that of the Liberty campus. “And I’ve promised my kids I’m going to try to be — I’m gonna try to be a good boy from here on out.” 🤔

Falwell described the scene leading up to the photo. “She’s pregnant so she couldn’t get her — she couldn’t get her pants up,” he said. “And I was like, trying to like — my — I had on pair of jeans that I hadn’t worn in a long time so I couldn’t get mine zipped either. And so — and so — I just put my belly — I just put my belly out like hers.”  🥴

A video of the party also showed up on the internet, featuring Falwell and others at what appears to be a Trailer Park Boys themed party.  😂

Article submitted by, shelotmlee.