Last Call: 8-29-20

Huh, I just pulled up last week’s episode of Last Call and realized I screwed up the date and no one noticed??? You guys aren’t on your game; you usually notice every typo I make; what happened?

So, fifty-seven years ago yesterday, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his infamous, I have a Dream speech, in front of the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Fast forward fiftyseven years and folks have returned to D.C. to attend the “Commitment March: Get Your Knee Off Our Necks.”

The civil rights leader Martin Luther King waves to supporters Aug. 28, 1963 on the Mall in Washington D.C.

Thirty years ago yesterday, we lost blues singer/guitarist, Stevie Ray Vaughn  in a helicopter crash near Alpine Valley, Wisconsin. I got to see him in the 80s at UC Davis. I took my pops with me because my father really liked blues. He played jazz guitar but sometimes would ‘get funky’ (out of his ‘snob box’) and play some blues. For the record, I’m not a huge fan of ‘Jump Blues’ but I do love blues.

And, after that Horror Show, the RNC, I need to remind everyone to vote!!! Do you really want another four years of this buffoon? Sixty-five days, people…SIXTY-FIVE DAYS! Get out the vote and kick the racist asswipe and his cretin family to the curb.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Stay safe and healthy!

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!