Comply and you Won’t be Shot or Brutalized by Police!

This video was posted by retired NFL player Shannon Sharpe two days ago. The original incident took place in Sacramento on March 17 2020.

It seems that the cop that fancies himself as a Bruce Lee, was disciplined for his actions, appealed and the punishment sustained 2 days ago. We don’t get to know the particulars of the discipline because the case doesn’t fall under SB 1421, according to the spokesperson.  SB 1421 covers police conduct where there is a serious injury.

As I understand this, the man and women had just finished eating brunch when the Sacramento police confronted the man. The man then seems to be tazed in the back, flinches slightly, but does not remove his hands from his head. 

A woman that goes by  @benjibrezzy posted on Instagram her account of what happened.

The woman, presumably the accused’s sister, recalled the incident in an Instagram post explaining that they had just finished eating with friends when they were suddenly faced with police.

“My brother was minding his business out for brunch with friends and when leaving the restaurant, he was attacked by the Sacramento police department,” she wrote. “In the video, officers were talking to a witness, saying they were doing all of this because my brother had a warrant.”

In the clip, one of the deputies pulls the woman out of her car and orders her to “stay out of the way” as her sibling is taken into custody. That same deputy, who alleged the “suspect” was “playing games” and defying police commands, then seemingly tries to block her shot as she films the arrest.

“They just did all of this for no reason,” she wrote. “He didn’t have a felony warrant and on top of that, he’s never been to jail or committed any crime in his life.”

“All of what occurred in the video could have been prevented if they had simply asked for my brother’s ID before just attacking him,” she concluded.

The Instagram post reveals the officers later determined they had the wrong guy. He allegedly did not have a felony warrant at all.

Atlanta Black Star

The man was arrested for “resisting arrest” at that time.

A police spokesman said “I think that it’s hard to judge something based (on) a video in and of itself.”

ABC 10

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