What’s wunderdolt Kushner up to these days?

Fail, fail and fail again

Trump son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner will hold talks with U.K. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab in London on Thursday.The top White House aide is flying to Britain on Wednesday night on his way back to the U.S. from a tour of the Middle East.

On the agenda will be Kushner’s attempts over the last few days to broker a show of peace between Israel and other Middle East leaders before the U.S. election, and create a coalition of nations aimed at countering Iranian influence in the region.

Kushner, who has been leading the Trump administration’s attempts to secure a Middle East peace deal, boarded the first-ever direct commercial passenger flight from Israel to the United Arab Emirates on Monday to mark the U.S.-brokered deal to normalize relations between the two nations.  “While this is a historic flight, we hope that this will start an even more historic journey for the Middle East and beyond,” Kushner told reporters ahead of the trip.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.