Bernie is Concerned About Biden’s Campaign

Bernie Sanders is privately expressing concern for Joe Biden’s campaign, according to three inside sources, saying that Biden is at risk of coming up short in the election if he continues a vague, more centrist approach.

The Vermont Senator is saying that Biden should be focusing more on health care and his economic plans, and should be campaigning more with liberals that would appeal to young voters, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The Sanders camp responded to the claims by saying that Bernie was working hard to help elect Biden, but was advising some adjustments on strategy.

“Senator Sanders is confident that Joe Biden is in a very strong position to win this election, but nevertheless feels there are areas the campaign can continue to improve upon,” Shakir said. “He has been in direct contact with the Biden team and has urged them to put more emphasis on how they will raise wages, create millions of good paying jobs, lower the cost of prescription drugs and expand health care coverage.”

Sanders also is encouraging more outreach to young voters, Latino voters, and progressive voters to help the Biden campaign goals.

It is rare to have a prominent political ally voice criticisms, especially in a campaign’s final stretch. It suggests Sanders supporters are frustrated by the centrist path while still wanting Biden to defeat Trump.

Biden is determined not to play into attacks from Trump seeking to cast him as a radical or a socialist. The nominee has distanced himself from elements in his party calling for defunding the police, implementing a single-payer health plan and banning hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Sanders supports the latter two policies.

More details at the Washington Post.

Also Bloomberg.