Breonna Taylor decision: arrests as protesters take to streets for second night

Anger over lack of direct charges for police officers spurs new demonstrations in Louisville and across US

Protesters took to the streets of Louisville and other US cities once again on Thursday, as public anger and sadness swelled in the wake of the announcement that no police officers would be charged directly with the shooting death of Breonna Taylor in March.

Tensions were running high in the Kentucky city after a day of peaceful protests turned violent on Wednesday night, when two police officerssustained injuries from gunshots fired at a protest. Local officials have urged calm as protests continue.

On Thursday night police made several arrests, including state representative Attica Scott, a Democrat who has called for justice for Taylor.

“At least 24 people were arrested throughout the evening for charges including unlawful assembly, failure to disperse and riot in the first degree,” the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) said in a statement.

“……..Hundreds of people also turned out again in New York, Philadelphia, St Louis, Baltimore, and other cities across the country to mark the second second night of largely peaceful action, with demonstrators chanting “Say her name! Breonna Taylor!” and holding signs demanding justice.”

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Almost as quickly as the fatal police shooting of Breonna Taylor become an international story and trending topic on social media, so did the misinformation about her life and death.

The Louisville Courier Journal, part of the USA TODAY Network, has been tracking Taylor’s case and monitoring related social media posts since her March 13 slaying. Our reporters have gathered the facts based on public records, official statements and interviews with witnesses and people close to the case.

We’ve also collected some of the most prominent misconceptions and falsehoods posted on social media about the case to set the record straight.
Check here at the Louisville Courier Journal for the. Fact check in these issues:

The facts: What happened at Breonna Taylor’s apartment?

Claim: Police were at the wrong apartment

Claim: Taylor was shot while she was asleep in bed

Claim: Police located their main suspect before going to Taylor’s home

Claim: Taylor was living with a drug dealer

Claim: Body-camera footage exists in Taylor’s shooting death

Claim: The officer who was shot was hit by friendly fire
Claim: Taylor works as an EMT

Claim: Taylor was shot eight times by police

Sources: The Guardian and Fact Check: Louisville CJ