Wisconsin COVID-19 Cases Surge Before Trump Rally on Saturday

Some Wisconsin hospitals are resorting to wait-listing patients as the state sees surging numbers of coronavirus cases, the highest seen since the beginning of the pandemic.

Hospitals have been especially overwhelmed in Green Bay, Wausau and the Fox Valley, which are among the state’s latest COVID-19 hot spots.

Trump has rallies scheduled for Green Bay and Lacrosse on Saturday.

Bellin Hospital in Green Bay is at 94% capacity, and state officials say they are closer than ever to opening a field hospital.

Bellin hopes to convert a facility on its campus into another space for hospital beds and is teaching nonclinical workers, such as athletic trainers, how to deliver supplies and move patients so nurses can focus on duties only they can perform.

Bellin Health CEO Chris Woleske said candidates should think about the state of the virus in the communities they visit and consider virtual or smaller in-person events.

County officials appear reluctant to address the Trump campaign and say they have not asked them to consider cancelling their rally.

Green Bay Press Gazette

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