Happy Friday News Viewers — I would’ve had this posted earlier except I ran into technical problems— those tech problems resulted in Major psych problems — I’m sure Moderna or AstraZeneca are whipping up a drug for tech angst as we speak— (you didn’t want it to WORK now did you? ……. Remember the old saying, “expectations are PRE-resentments”. . . Oh yeah…
Why is this tech BS annoying me more than usual this fine day—?
Because I was PRE-rattled this a.m. by a nightmare I had last night—-In the dream, I went to the county clerk’s office to vote and she said, “uh, voting ended yesterday, you missed it.” For what seems to be hours in the dream I’m just standing there with my mouth hanging open as I realize I DIDN’T VOTE.
😎😜 Lets chat — Better late than never…… TGIF……