Hunter Biden E-Mails Mysteriously Discovered by New York Post

With less than three weeks left until election day, is it any wonder that a laptop of Hunter Biden’s has been discovered and damaging private e-mails have been leaked to the New York Post?

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani has provided a copy of a hard drive containing photos and e-mails of the democratic presidential candidate’s son.

According to the New York Post, a laptop with a “Beau Biden Foundation” sticker was dropped off to a repair shop in Delaware in April of 2019. The shop owner, an anonymous source, says the owner never came back to retrieve it.

The source says he recovered the data from it and found e-mails and photos related to Hunter Biden. He told the government, they seized the laptop in December 2019, but before they took it, he made a copy of the data and provided it to Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello.

Somehow Steve Bannon at some point learned of the hard drive and told the New York Post. And then finally Giuliani delivered the hard drive to the New York Post last Sunday, after having it in his possession for ten months.

One e-mail purports to be the “smoking gun” that Giuliani has been hoping for: A Burisma adviser thanks Hunter for “inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent some time together,” and proposes meeting that day. 

This supposes that a meeting would be regarding a discussion about ousting the prosecutor Viktor Shokin to protect Burisma and Hunter Biden from an investigation.

However there is no confirmation that such a meeting took place, and the Biden campaign states that the official schedule of the then Vice President showed no meeting ever took place.

Story at Vox.