Pat Robertson Prophesies That Trump Will Win Reelection, Then the End Times Will Begin!


God Has spoken to Pat Roberson again.

Robertson said that “without question, Trump is going to win the election,” but it will result in widespread civil unrest, during which there will be at least two attempts to assassinate the president.

While America is engulfed in chaos, Robertson predicted that Islamic nations will use it as an opportunity to attack Israel but will be wiped out by God, leading to “a remarkable time of peace.”

Following several years of peace and global revival, the world will then experience the End Times’ “great tribulation” when an asteroid strikes the Earth.

Coincidently, Neil deGrasse Tyson warns can asteroid could hit Earth the day before the election.

Right Wing Watch

Earlier this year, Robertson blamed the coronavirus on same-sex marriage.

Said that the earthquake that leveled Haiti was caused because Haitians made a “pact with the devil”.

The 911 attacks were caused because of the ACLU, abortionists, feminists and of course gays.

God told him in 2007 of a coming bomb attack on the U.S.  When it didn’t materialize it was because the attack was prayed away he said.

Well you get the idea. 

More at CBS.

As always, per the NV community guidelines, refrain from quoting Scripture and/or proselytizing. 

About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it