From 60 Minutes: Trump Never Said “Lock Her Up” About Governor Whitmer

In the 60 Minutes interview that Trump has whined about for days straight, he denies saying he would lock up Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Trump made the denial after a crowd in Muskegon, Michigan, began chanting “lock her up” as he began complaining about the governor’s COVID-19 restrictions and her lack of appreciation when federal resources assisted in foiling a kidnapping plot of the governor.

He alleged lied about Whitmer shutting down churches, schools, and said that her husband was the only one not locked down when Whitmer’s husband asked about making arrangements to have his boat placed in the water before Memorial Weekend. She had urged residents not to rush to the northern counties as restrictions were only beginning to be lifted over the holiday.

Whitmer never ordered churches closed. She made an exemption to churches at the beginning of the pandemic, allowing them to self-regulate.

Trump, in footage from an interview he leaked Thursday, denied claims he had ever advocated to have Whitmer locked up. 

“I never said lock up the governor of Michigan,” he said, arguing it was a “vicious thing” to suggest. “I would never say that. Why would I say that?”

This was at the Detroit News.