Trump Campaign Lawyer Joe diGenova Says Fmr DHS Official Chris Krebs Should Be ‘Taken Out at Dawn and Shot’


Trump campaign lawyer Joe diGenova indulged in an outrageous, reckless call for violence on Newsmax, telling host Howie Carr that former DHS Cybersecurity chief Chris Krebs should be “taken out at dawn and shot” for daring to debunk the absurd election conspiracies being pushed by President Donald Trump.

Trump campaign lawyer Joe diGenova indulged in an outrageous, reckless call for violence on Newsmax, telling host Howie Carr that former DHS Cybersecurity chief Chris Krebs should be “taken out at dawn and shot” for daring to debunk the absurd election conspiracies being pushed by President Donald Trump.

“That guy is a Class A moron,” diGenova spat out in disgust, before offering up two different ways Krebs could be executed that was noticeably devoid of sarcasm. “He should be drawn and quartered, taken out at dawn and shot.”


The Bulwark

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