DeVos slams student debt forgiveness and free college proposals

“DeVos says free college amounts to a ‘socialist takeover of higher education…”

Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education

[In a veiled swing at President-elect Joe Biden’s education plans] Education Secretary Betsy DeVos slammed free college as a “socialist takeover of higher education” that could harm the nation’s economy, in a speech on Tuesday, the Washington Post reports.

Speaking at an online conference hosted by the Education Department’s Federal Student Aid office, DeVos did not mention Biden by name. But she railed against “politicians” who have issued “shrill calls” to cancel federal student debt or make college free.

“Make no mistake: It is a socialist takeover of higher education,” DeVos said. “Now, depending on your personal politics, some of you might not find that notion as scary as I do. But mark my words: None of you would like the way it will work.”

Source: Axios and AP and (supplemental) 2020 Student Loan Debt Statistics