Israel’s Former Space Security Chief Says Aliens Have Prevented Nuclear War

Ex space security head announces aliens exist but ‘humanity not ready

The 87-year-old former space security chief is currently working as a professor. Eshed has had a very prestigious career and is very well-respected. He served as the head of Israel’s space security program for nearly 30 years and is a three-time recipient of the Israel Security Award.

He has shared these wild claims about extraterrestrials in a recent interview with Yediot Aharonot.

Eshed said that some governments are in contact with a “Galactic Federation” of aliens from far reaches of space who are observing humans for their own research purposes.

He also said that there is an underground base on Mars that has both human and alien representatives. Eshed says that US President Donald Trump knows all about the aliens and was “on the verge” of telling the world about them until the Galactic Federation somehow persuaded him to keep quiet.

The Mind Unleashed


Source: VICE News, and Daily Express UK