Trump Wondering What Airport Will Be Named After Him

In the waning days of being President, Trump has been wondering out loud to aides which airport might be named after him, according to two people who have heard him babbling about this.

….In the past three weeks, Trump mentioned that “no president” wants an American airport that has a bad reputation or crumbling infrastructure named after them. The other knowledgeable source said that Trump had, at one point since the 2020 election, offhandedly asked what kind of “paperwork” was necessary to get an airport named after a former president.

Another individual close to Trump told The Daily Beast that they could recall the president mentioning at least a couple times since early 2018 his desire for having a national or international airport in the United States named after “Donald J. Trump,” and that he hoped there would be an aggressive organized effort to do so….

Another source said they’d heard Trump ask what kind of navy vessel might one day be named the USS Donald Trump.

The White House provided no comment.

Story at YahooNews.