Hate Watch

Making sense of QAnon:

This is the third article in a series. Read the first two installments here and here. In the previous two installments of this series, I chronicled the attempts made by an old friend to convince me of an outlandish MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 8-29-20

Huh, I just pulled up last week’s episode of Last Call and realized I screwed up the date and no one noticed??? You guys aren’t on your game; you usually notice every typo I make; MORE


Covid-19 Pandemic USA Update

185,900 Americans are confirmed to have died from the Covid-19 virus, up 1,104 from 8/27. 6,095,068 Americans are confirmed to have been infected with the Covid-19 virus, up 48,434 from 8/27. Article submitted by, ronald MORE

It's 5:00 Somewhere

It’s 5:00 Somewhere

After four long nights of drivel, droning on about the Dotard Party and the devilish Dotard himself, I have to admit I’m hung over. I’ve had a GOP headache for about the last three years, MORE