Last Call: January 02, 2021

I’m kinda liking the combo, 01-02-21 better. Regardless, this is only the second time thus far that I’ve typed or written the new year. Who am I kidding? I can’t write at this moment, or at least I haven’t tried to, anyway. I’m Just glad the old year is gone! Now, the next milestone, Trump Be Gone...eighteen more days.

I don’t give a rat’s ass what the idiot, GOP senators have planned; it’s all just political theater. I haven’t checked but hopefully, a bigly amount are up for re-election in 2022 and They Be Gone as well.

But, in order for this country to move forward, we need a big win in Georgia. Please, if you live there…VOTE! Drag your friends and family to the polls, if they haven’t voted already and get them to vote. This runoff election is as important as the general election in November. Yes, seriously.

I want to thank everyone for their Community Submissions; they’re so greatly appreciated. Sorry for the delays in posting them but, with the holidays, all of us have been busy. Please keep in mind that if you post a video or tweet in your submission, make sure it’s the actual video or tweet and NOT a link to them. We want to keep people here, on News Views, not send them elsewhere.

If you need help, leave a note in your submission alerting us about something you want to add but need help doing so. If the video is shareable, we’ll help you out. Just ask. 😊

So, Happy New Year to everyone! Stay safe and healthy. If you must go out MASK UP!

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