Trump Rally: Hello, Georgia! By the way, That Was a Rigged Election!

Trump went down to Georgia Monday night to support GOP senate candidates David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, but all the Peach State got was a host of conspiracy theories about the election being stolen from him.

Well, he did talk about the candidates in Georgia, but he also talked about the Republican governor and the Secretary of State. And also, his Republican Vice President, Mike Pence.

Trump used some bigly words, words most people have a hard time pronouncing.

And everyone loved his phone call to Georgia, except those at the rally didn’t seem all that excited about it.

But enough about Trump. Kelly Loeffler announced at the bigly rally that she’s going to join the Senators on Wednesday who will challenge Biden’s win, and David Perdue was there on the big screen while quarantining from the TrumpVirus. They did their best to paint their opponents as radicals.

But what they didn’t say is how Georgia voters should have confidence that the run-off election won’t be rigged like he insists the November election was.

The Hill, Vox