Impeachment would bar Trump from receiving presidential perks

Under the Former Presidents Act, President Donald Trump is entitled to an office and staff, a pension and up to $1 million for annual security and travel expenses and lifetime protection from the Secret Service, all funded by taxpayers once he leaves office….unless he is impeached and convicted by congress.

It’s unlikely that Trump, who is entitled to a pension of more than $200,000 annually, qualifies for federal health benefits after leaving elected office because he hasn’t served more than five years, according to the Congressional Research Service. Neither Presidents Carter nor George H.W. Bush received federal health benefits for that same reason.

First lady Melania Trump is also entitled to Secret Service protection – unless she divorces President Trump, or remarries after his death, according to the Congressional Research Service. Barron Trump, the president’s teenage son, is also entitled to protection until he is 16.

Trump would be entitled to these benefits absent congressional action. And he could also receive them if he were to resign from office before Jan. 20. President Richard Nixon retained his presidential pension, and other benefits after his resignation in 1974.

Sources have told ABC News that in the days after the 2020 election the president has been asking about his post-presidency financial security, fearful for his and his family’s safety.

Through impeachment, Dems seek to bar Trump from post-presidency financial benefits (