COVID 19 UPDATES: 1 / 14 / 2021

America had over 4,000 deaths in a day again and MORE THAN 90,000 DEATHS ARE EXPECTED IN THE NEXT 3 WEEKS.  By the the weekend, we will have matched the death toll from WW2, THE HEAD OF OPERATION WARP SPEED IS RESIGNING, the botched vaccine rollout has led to only 10 million doses having been given so far (goal was 20 million by New Years), the South African Covid variant appears to be more effective against our current vaccines, and half of the healthcare workers in certain southern California counties are refusing to get vaccinated for some damn reason.  Wear a helmet, folks.


  • +236,462 new cases
  • +4,098 covid deaths
  • 7 day average new cases / day:  250,068
  • 7 day average new deaths / day:  3,418
  • new cases this month (13 days):  3.114 million
  • new deaths this month (13 days):  39,537
  • total cases:  23.616 million
  • total deaths:  393,928


  • America’s positive test rate is 12.3%.  The goal is to get below 5%.
  • 3 states have a positive test rate of 5% or less
  • 30 states have a positive test rate of 10% or higher
  • 11 states have a positive test rate of 20% or higher


  • Hospitalized:  130,383
  • In ICU:  23,877
  • On Ventilator:  7,898

Data compiled by, snake.