MAGA media looks to turn White House briefing room into a battlefield

Sean Spicer, Left, sitting, former Press Secretary under Trump

Eric Bolling, the conservative host of Sinclair Broadcast Group’s “America This Week,” would travel regularly to Donald Trump’s White House, interviewing the former president seven times and occasionally attending press briefings.

OAN White House Correspondent, Temporarily ousted for refusing to social distance.

Trump’s now gone and Bolling is facing a vastly different professional landscape. The current president is not a friend. His employer dragged its feet in declaring Joe Biden the winner. And Bolling said he’s concerned he could lose his regular credentials and be unable to tape from the White House.

And so, he’s taking steps to protect his standing. He recently submitted an application to become a member of the White House Correspondents’ Association, he said in an interview.

“I hope to hold this administration as accountable as the media held the Trump administration,” Bolling said

Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary under President Biden

“The first interview that I did after I was announced as White House press secretary was with Chris Wallace on Fox. I do think there is a difference, as I think everybody knows, between some of the anchors and reporters at a network like Fox and some of the personalities. I will not be doing an interview with Sean Hannity. I think that wouldn’t serve anybody, including the president-elect, who’s the most important factor there. In terms of, you know, [OANN] and kind of other right-wing entities? I don’t think my job as the White House press secretary is to give them a bigger platform. But at the same time, when we’re at a point when it’s COVID-safe and there is a full briefing room, I also don’t think it’s my job to keep people out.”

Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary, on NPR

Source: Politico and Defense One and Media Bias Fact Check and NPR