Pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood fired by teen who faced off with Native American in viral video

The teen, Nicholas Sandmann, terminated lawyer L. Lin Wood from the team representing him in a series of lawsuits that accuse media companies of inaccurately portraying the stand-off at the Lincoln Memorial on the day of a large anti-abortion protest.

“I have ended my lawyer-client relationship with Mr. Wood and no longer wish to be represented by him,” Sandmann said in an affidavit included in the court filings.

In a statement shared on Telegram on Sunday, Wood said he expected Sandmann would “abandon” him because of earlier social media posts in which Wood suggested former Vice President Mike Pence engaged in “treason” and could “face execution by firing squad” for formally recognizing the election victory of President Joe Biden.


A couple things of interest concerning Lin Wood.

Here Sandman posted one of Woods’ post from his Telegraph account.

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