Edinburgh woman bit off man’s tongue in street brawl before seagull swooped down and ate it!

Up until about 8 pm on August 1, 2019, Bethaney Ryan, 27 and James McKenzie did not know each other.

At a hearing last week, Prosecutor Susan Dickson said a disagreement developed as the two passed each other. Ms. Ryan initially tried to walk away from the dust-up, but McKenzie wouldn’t let it drop and approached Ryan with “a clenched fist”.

Prosecutor Dickson said: “Miss Ryan, somewhat oddly, responded to that by pushing him on the body and kissing him.

“She kissed him on the lips and during the course of that she bit through his tongue which caused a piece of his tongue to be removed.

“Mr McKenzie walked off and spat a part of his tongue out at which point the piece of muscle was picked up by a large seagull that made off with the piece of tongue.”

The hunk of bitten off tongue was about 2 centimeters by 3 centimeters. One centimeter is about 3/8 of an inch in Murican.

◾️ Ryan was arrested and McKenzie was taken to the hospital.

◾️ McKenzie did not have surgery because, “given the piece of tongue was no longer available and could not be reattached.”

◾️ Ryan pleaded guilty to assault.

◾️ Ryan’s defender said: “a very strange incident in the round” but added he would reserve his full mitigation to the sentencing hearing.

Edinburgh Evening News

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