Not to be sniffed at: Agony of post-COVID-19 loss of smell

A year into the coronavirus pandemic, doctors are striving to better understand and treat patients who lose their sense of smell

NICE, France — The doctor slid a miniature camera into the patient’s right nostril, making her whole nose glow red with its bright miniature light.

“Tickles a bit, eh?” he asked as he rummaged around her nasal passages, the discomfort causing tears to well in her eyes and roll down her cheeks.

The patient, Gabriella Forgione, wasn’t complaining. The 25-year-old pharmacy worker was happy to be prodded and poked at the hospital in Nice, in southern France, to advance her increasingly pressing quest to recover her sense of smell. Along with her sense of taste, it suddenly vanished when she fell ill with COVID-19 in November, and neither has returned.

Not to be sniffed at: Agony of post-COVID-19 loss of smell – ABC News

Article submitted by, AucepsTheLocalMilkPerson.