A meteor spotted as it streaked across the sky above Vermont

“It was the size of a bowling ball but exploded like 440 pounds of TNT

A meteor is seen in the top left corner of this image, captured by a camera feed at an airport in Burlington, Vermont on Sunday, March 7

A fireball, traveling at an estimated 42,000 miles per hour, was spotted over the skies of northern Vermont and Canada on Sunday night, officials said.NASA Meteor Watch said on Facebook that more than 100 people saw the meteor around 5:38 p.m. local time Sunday

“There was no sound whatsoever,” Al Gregoritsch of South Burlington told CNN affiliate WPTZ. “I was very excited to see it. It’s a phenomenon I will never forget.”

The meteor was seen traveling northeast across 33 miles — from Mount Mansfield State Forest to Beach Hill in Orleans County south of Newport., the agency said.

NASA Meteor Watch said the object was likely a fragment of an asteroid, while the tremors witnesses reported were caused by a pressure difference between the front and back of the object.

Source: CNN