Georgia man receives final paycheck in pile of greasy pennies left in driveway

ATLANTA (AP) — A Georgia man said his former employer owed him a pretty penny, $915 to be exact, after leaving his job in November.

But Andreas Flaten said he was shocked to see his final payment: 90,000 oil or grease covered pennies, at the end of his driveway earlier this month, news outlets reported. Atop the pile was an envelope with Flaten’s final paystub and an explicit parting message.

“This is a childish thing to do,” Flaten said.

Flaten said he left his job at Peachtree City’s A OK Walker Autoworks in November. He said he was owed the final check and had difficulty getting it, even turning to the Georgia Department of Labor to receive help.


Article submitted by, ScottInManhattan.