ADL calls on Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson over racist comments about ‘replacement’ theory

Earlier on Friday, numerous media outlets covered Carlson’s comments, from New York Magazine (“Tucker Carlson Endorses White Supremacist Theory by Name”) to the Washington Post (“Carlson’s espousal of ‘replacement’ theory is both toxic and ahistoric.”)Jonathan Chait, writing for New York Magazine, said Carlson has been appealing to racists “for years with wink-and-nod messages that dovetail with their paranoid themes,” and “last night his embrace of white supremacy crossed an important and dangerous new threshold.”

The Anti-Defamation League is calling for Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson.”Given his long record of race-baiting, we believe it is time for Carlson to go,” ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt says.There is zero indication that Fox will take such a step — or even reprimand Carlson.

But the ADL’s call, delivered in a letter to Fox News Media CEO Suzanne Scott, underscores the extreme and unsettling nature of Carlson’s anti-immigration commentary. Carlson, the highest-rated host on Fox News, drew condemnations for his comments about “replacement” on another Fox show Thursday evening.

In the ADL’s ensuing letter on Friday, first obtained by CNN Business, Greenblatt accused Carlson of an “open-ended endorsement of white supremacist ideology.”Appearing with his friend Mark Steyn, who was filling in at 7 p.m. ET, Carlson invoked “white replacement theory,” a racist conspiracy theory that imagines White people are being intentionally replaced by immigrants.”

The term “replacement” has a dark history. A right-wing conspiracy theory known as the “replacement theory” or “The Great Replacement” holds that birth rates among white people are too low and that people of color are gradually “replacing” their share of the world’s population. The idea is popular with white supremacist groups around the world, including in the United States.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, was quick to point that out on Twitter.

“‘Replacement theory’ is a white supremacist tenet that the white race is in danger by a rising tide of non-whites,” Mr Greenblatt wrote. “It is antisemitic, racist and toxic. It has informed the ideology of mass shooters in El Paso, Christchurch and Pittsburgh. Tucker must go.”

The Independent

Source: CNN The Independent