Feds Execute Search Warrant at Rudy Giuliani’s Apartment

Federal investigators in Manhattan executed search warrants early Wednesday morning at the apartment and office of the former guy’s personal lawyer, and America’s Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, according to three people with knowledge of the situation.

Investigators seized electronic devices and searched the Madison Avenue apartment and the Park Avenue office at approximately 6 a.m.

Seen as a major turning point in the long-running investigation into Giuliani’s dealings in Ukraine, it was an extraordinary move that Giuliani’s lawyer called “legal thuggery.”

While the warrants are not an explicit accusation of wrongdoing against Mr. Giuliani, it shows that the investigation has entered an aggressive new phase. To obtain a search warrant, investigators need to persuade a judge they have sufficient reason to believe that a crime was committed and that the search would turn up evidence of the crime.

The investigation of Giuliani began with a case against two Soviet-born men, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, who aided the mission in Ukraine involving business dealings, the ousting of the Ambassador to Ukraine, and the search for dirt on Joe Biden.

New York Times

Alternate source at CNN