Facebook Says Decision on Whether Trump Ban Will be Overturned Coming Wednesday

Now the Facebook Oversight Board, an outside group funded and created by Facebook to review the social media giant’s thorniest policy choices, has made a decision on the case. It is expected to announce on Wednesday whether Facebook can uphold its suspension of Trump or if it has to allow him back on the site.

The board will announce its decision on this case — its most significant by far — at approximately 9 a.m. Wednesday. The ruling is being closely watched by politicians around the world, as well as social media researchers and other tech companies that similarly banned Trump in January.

Facebook was the first major social media platform to suspend Trump indefinitely in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, and its controversial decision was met with praise by many critics who believed the company had let him dodge its normal rules and policies. But others decried the decision as “censorship” and said it set a dangerous precedent for how world leaders communicate online.

Washington Post


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