Free Range Free Chat

Good morning, News Viewers and Happy Monday; this is Free Range Free Chat, our open thread with the free-wide-open ranging themes of animals (including people and bugs), the environment (including the physical and political) and the planet (land, sea and sky), and well, everything else. These pictures are:

The winners of the Nature TTL Photographer of the Year 2021 competition have been unveiled, with a mind-bending orangutan image taking the grand prize.

Animal Behavior, Thomas Vijayan
Category Winner & Overall Winner
Under 16, Thomas Easterbrook
Young Overall Winne
Urban Wildlife, Kallol Mukherjee
Category Winner
The Night Sky, Ivan Pedretti
Category Winner
Underwater, Grant Thomas
Category Winner
Wild Portraits, Dennis Stogsdill
Category Winner
Landscapes, Jay Roode
Category Winner
Camera Traps, John Formstone
Category Winner

BTW, News Viewers — Pet stories and frankly, any other funny, pertinent, personal, impersonal, political or apolitical comment is welcome as long is it’s civil. In other words, if you want to be mean and you want to dish out douche-baggery towards another commenter, do it on GAB, but don’t do it here. . . . . so….whatchagot?