Tucker Carlson is now Blaming the FBI for January 6

Tucker Carlson has a new conspiracy theory. He says that because there are co-conspirators still unindicted in the January 6 insurrection, it obviously must mean that those are government agents, and therefore the FBI was involved in organizing the riot!

(Why didn’t any of us already think of that?)

Carlson’s repeated attempts at suggestive questions with baseless answers he makes up are lengthy, but even in wingnut world, this one was pretty special.

Carlson cites two unindicted co-conspirators in the indictment against alleged Capitol rioter Thomas Caldwell. The government alleges Caldwell conspired with members of the extremist “Oath Keepers” to storm the Capitol. “Person Two” was someone Caldwell stayed with at his hotel. “Person Three” was someone Caldwell identified as being involved in a “quick reaction force.”

Why haven’t they been indicted?? — Tucker asks.

“They were almost certainly working for the FBI.”

Tucker says there are nearly 20 undicted co-conspirators, therefore

…this “white supremacist” insurrection was, again by the government’s own admission in these documents, organized at least in part by government agents.

Tucker also says it should be no surprise that Christopher Wray (FBI) wants to infiltrate the Oath Keepers and other extremist groups. Wink-wink.

“That’s a line, and the FBI has crossed it,” Carlson said before accusing Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of playing a “victim” because the plot to kidnap her was “a farce” and “insulting” because it involved FBI informants and under cover agents.

He accused the FBI of using the same tactics involved in 9/11, as well as calling for the arrest of the officer who shot the unarmed (innocent?) Ashli Babbitt.

Thanks to Tucker’s hard work, the hard(ly) working members of the GOP are demanding answers from Christopher Wray.

Washington Post covered this story.

See also Business Insider