U.S. Catholic Bishops: No National Policy on Withholding Communion From Politicians

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops quietly confirmed on Friday that there would be no new national policy on withholding Communion from politicians.

After the conference overwhelmingly voted to draft a “teaching document,” which would theoretically rebuke President Biden for his support for abortion rights, a three-day meeting to debate the topic led to a shift in focus. The conference released a Q&A without any references to Biden, a national policy, or abortion.

“The document being drafted is not meant to be disciplinary in nature, nor is it targeted at any one individual or class of persons,” the Q&A states, adding that the Vatican is not involved. “The question of whether or not to deny any individual or groups Holy Communion was not on the ballot.”

Bishops argued the document would be too narrow in focus and penalty driven. Instead the document will focus on the call of “all Catholics” — regardless of whether they hold public office or not — to “support human life and dignity and other fundamental principles of Catholic moral and social teaching.”

From Axios, the Washington Post, and Seattle Times

No scripture and/or proselytizing.