The Deal on Hunter Biden’s Art

There’s a new artist in town and his name is Hunter Biden.

A New York gallery owner is expecting purchases of Biden’s art to go for $75,000 to $500,000, drawing criticism from politicos and ethics experts who say the Biden name allows for much higher prices than might be expected from someone who has never sold art before on the commercial market.

Hunter Biden has no formal training and has only recently been working full time on his art.

Now the White House has helped the New York gallery owner, Georges Berges, to craft an agreement for the sale of the Biden pieces to be kept confidential, even from the artist himself. Berges plans to withhold all records, including potential bidders and final buyers, and has also agreed to reject any offer that he deems suspicious or that comes in over the asking price.

White House officials say the plan allows the younger Biden to pursue a career in art while attempting to distance the Bidens from the practices of the former guy’s family business grifting.

The latest update on the developing controversy concerns an arrest of a Brooklyn man, Rodrick Webber, 47, who was arrested Saturday for vandalizing the gallery where Biden’s art is on display.

Webber had spray painted the word “Daddy” on a wall inside the gallery, damaging a painting worth $14,500.

Washington Post, CBS