Bleach peddler may have been raided by German police

[Edit by OP: YESSSSSSS!!!!!!] Just out from Vice: messages posted to a Telegram group run by Kerri Rivera, a pseudo-medical expert who advocates for the use of a dangerous bleach solution to “cure” autism and other serious illnesses, say she’s being criminally charged as a result of advice she gave to a parent.

A poster on Rivera’s Telegram group left a message on July 21 indicating that Rivera’s home was raided by police on July 13 and that she is accused of causing bodily harm to a child whose parent she advised on Telegram.

Rivera is a longtime advocate for the use of chlorine dioxide, a substance that, when mixed with citric acid, forms a powerful and dangerous bleaching agent. She has falsely claimed it can “cure” autism and, more recently, suggested it can treat COVID-19.

(Chlorine dioxide is also marketed under the name Miracle Mineral Solution, or MMS, most infamously by the Genesis II Church in Florida, run by a Florida man named Mark Grenon. Grenon and three of his sons were recently indicted on charges related to their sale of MMS.)

Rivera, formerly a Chicago real estate agent, has had a few warnings. In 2015 she was banned from marketing her treatments in Illinois; and she was subpoenaed after presenting at AutismOne, a yearly anti-vaccine conference usually held in the Chicago suburbs.

She’d moved to Mexico by then and is believed to have relocated to Germany about two years ago. Over the years, she began marketing a variety of dubious supplements and products, which she’s eagerly adapted for the COVID-19 era. In September 2020, she received a warning letter from the FDA saying some of her products “misleadingly represented them as safe and/or effective for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.”

Two activists, Fiona O’Leary and Melissa Eaton, both say they reported Rivera to German authorities. Eaton, a U.S.-based activist who’s gone undercover in Facebook groups where parents are discussing giving their kids chlorine dioxide, told Motherboard that she reported Rivera to German police and consumer protection agencies.

In predictable fashion, Rivera is crying about her speech freedumbs according to the Telegram poster. “I am not allowed freedom of speech,” the Telegram message said. She mentioned a video created in January 2020 that “led to a 150,000usd [sic] case. Obviously ‘they’ want to shut me up. On July 13, 2021 at 6 am a team of 11-14 police invaded our home and ransaked [sic] it as if I were a drug dealer. They took supplements and all of the electronics from computers to cell phones.”

This seems to fit…

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New to the home state of butterfly migrations and earthquakes. Does 7.1 mean I was finally playing The Cult loud enough?