Prince Andrew Lawsuit Over Jeffrey Epstein Is ‘Game Over’ for Queen’s Son, Lawyer Says

Prince Andrew

Prince Andrew could “lose his reputation utterly” through a lawsuit brought by a Jeffrey Epstein accuser in New York, a leading privacy lawyer has told Newsweek.

Virginia Giuffre is suing Andrew, the Duke of York, for sexual assault and battery through a court filing that says she was forced to have sex with him when she was 17 years old.

Queen Elizabeth II’s second-eldest son must now decide whether to engage in the court process or try to avoid being dragged into the civil lawsuit. He has previously denied any wrongdoing.

He is not facing criminal charges and would not be extradited to America, but the court could rule against him in his absence and award damages to Giuffre.

Giuffre’s lawsuit says she feared for her life if she did not have sex with Prince Andrew in London, New York and on Epstein’s private island, Little St James.

She is seeking damages for psychological harm inflicted during the three alleged incidents and the lawsuit alleges that Andrew knew her age after being told by Epstein and his former lover, Ghislaine Maxwell.

Source: Newsweek and The Guardian