Rand Paul submits financial disclosure form 16 months late; wifey bought stock in company behind covid treatment

On Wednesday, Rand Paul (Idiot-KY) submitted financial disclosure forms revealing his wife purchased stock on Feb. 26, 2020 in Gilead Sciences; the company who makes the antiviral drug, Remdesivir, which is used to treat Covid-19 . Paul’s lovely bride, Kelley Paul, purchased the stock “before the threat from the coronavirus was fully understood by the public and before it was classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization.”

Paul submitted his forms 16 months after the 45-day reporting deadline required by the Stock Act, which is designed to combat insider trading. One of Paul’s aids claimed he prepared the disclosure last year but recently learned it was never transmitted.

Kelsey Cooper, a spokeswoman for Paul, claimed that Kelley Paul lost money on her investment, which she purchased with her own money earned from writing books and working as a former communications consultant.

“Cooper said the senator attended no briefings on covid-19. Eight days after his wife invested in the company behind the antiviral drug thought to be effective against covid-19, Paul cast the lone vote in the Senate against $8.3 billion in emergency spending to combat the emerging outbreak.”

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