Liveblog - In case you missed it: Headlines 08/19/21

With so many crazy things happening, sometimes things fall through the cracks.  Here are some headlines that you may find interesting and worth discussing. Please feel free to post ‘headlines’ you would like to share that we may have missed.


‘Active bomb threat’ investigated on Capitol Hill, congressional offices evacuated

In this video from early Tuesday morning, retrieved from Facebook by TPM, Capitol bomb suspect Ray Roseberry refers to himself and those like him as the “last generation” willing to stand up for America. He then says that Trump will be reinstated as President once Joe Biden is driven from office and Democrats are imprisoned. He says Trump will then pardon everyone and he hopes for a pardon himself.


Taliban urge Afghan unity as protests spread to Kabul

Watch What They Do, Not What They Say:

President Biden/Biden Administration:

Biden won’t seek to extend enhanced $300 unemployment benefits past Sept. 6


Lauren Boebert discloses husband’s work for oil and gas firm with heavy presence in her district — but not until after campaign

Jayson Boebert earned about $500,000 in each 2020 and 2019. Ethics and campaign finance laws require candidates to disclose sources of their immediate family’s income to let voters evaluate potential conflicts of interest


Cardinal Cupich instructs Chicago Archdiocese priests not to give parishioners vaccine exemptions

Pope Francis vaccine: Catholic church leader urged all to get vaccinated

Inside Mississippi’s 4th Covid wave: Younger patients, crying nurses and 7 ICU beds left

The state set a new single-day record of Covid hospitalizations and patients placed in intensive care and on ventilators.

Should’ve Got the Vaccine:

At least one individual has been hospitalized in Mississippi after ingesting a drug intended for treating worms in livestock, the Mississippi State Department of Health revealed today. The medicine, ivermectin, is not approved for treating COVID-19.

“There are potential toxicities. So it’s something, you know, as you know, I think some people are trying to use it as a preventative, which I think is really kind of crazy. So please don’t do that,” Mississippi State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs said during a discussion on Zoom today. 

‘Unruly’ passengers arrested at Nashville airport after reportedly refusing to wear masks


Jobless claims hit new pandemic-era low in a sign of hope for the employment picture

Jobless claims totaled 348,000 for the week ended Aug. 14, below the estimate for 365,000 and down 29,000 from the week before.

The American Taliban/White ISIS/Wing Nuts/Gunz!:

Two women killed in Indiana automotive plant shooting

The suspected gunman, an employee at the plant, fled the scene but was apprehended shortly after and remained in custody.

State News:

Elder’s ex-fiancee said he brandished a gun at her

Alexandra Datig, who broke off her engagement with the California gubernatorial candidate in 2015, describes a series of troubling encounters with him.

US Marshal’s Office recovers more than a dozen missing children in Northeast Ohio during recent operation

The search for a number of missing kids in Northeast Ohio is a weeks-long project called Operation Safe Space.

Teachers In Washington State Must Get Fully Vaccinated — Or They Could Be Fired

Other News:

Feds targeted BLM protesters in attempt to disrupt movement, report says

“The empirical data and findings in this report largely corroborate what Black organizers have long known,” the report stated.

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