Michele Bachmann: ‘If You’ve Had COVID and Get Vaccinated, You’ll Get an Autoimmune Disease’

During a recent panel event, former Minnesota GOP congresswoman Michele Bachman did her part to help spread vaccine hesitancy, claiming that those who’ve had COVID but subsequently get vaccinated are in danger of their immune systems attacking their own body.

“Last night I was with researchers, and actually a physician from Mayo Clinic,” Bachmann said, adding that a new company has developed a blood test that tests if you have “long-term immunity” to COVID.  “If you’ve got immunity to COVID in your B cells, you’re probably good to go for the rest of your life … Why do I tell you this? If you or someone that you know is being mandated or forced to take a test, you can take this immunity and then show I have full immunity.”

“Why is this important?” she continued. “If you’re being told you have to take a vaccine but your body is full immunity, you don’t want to take a vaccine because that pushes your body’s system into autoimmune disease territory. That’s really bad.”


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