Free Chat Friday, Week 33

As if there weren’t enough going on in the world, some idjit from Cultikistan decides to bomb the Capitol. Only he doesn’t do it, of course. He just talks about doing it, then films himself talking about doing it, then drives to DC talking to himself about doing it while imagining all the people listening to him and his plans to do it.. Terrorism Social Media Style. . . .

Happy Friday, News Viewers, on this cloudy and quiet day, this is free chat, the time to talk about whatever is on your mind. My mind is on several things, the fact that Amazon is already out of stock of my favorite masks, the fact that my oldest has to start teaching in person at his university when classes start next week, the fact that he can’t ask students what their vaccination status is, and the fact that he can’t require them to mask up in class.

This week gives us a sense of the future at least — we can see what we’re marching toward and have been marching toward for years now. And I don’t see it ending well. But maybe that’s just me….what do you think NV community? What do you see coming on this cloudy day?