Talko Tuesday: August 24, 2021

Oh, nature’s air conditioning, how much I love you and how much my plants love you. No longer is the sun beating down on all of you and scorching and frying you to death. The weather is beautiful but, it won’t last. It’s supposed to get hot again this weekend and I’m so over it.

I’m doing my usual end of August countdown. I figure in about six-seven weeks, the heat will be gone. It won’t be fall, although the calendar will say it is but, it will still be summer. But, it won’t be painfully hot, to the point, you don’t want to be outside and enjoy your plants. The only thing I hope for is that Climate Change gives us one rainy ass winter, no flooding but lots of rain.

I plan on doing a whole landscape makeover and have already started. I’ve made some unique planters out of all kinds of stuff I had lying around. I’m getting new tires, actually my son’s getting me new tires because he’s used my car off and on for over a year. I told him to keep one of the old tires because yes, it’s going to become a planter…REUSE! I wanted to keep all of the tires but my husband was just one, please…yeah, we’ll compromise and I will keep two.

So, any home or garden projects you have going on? Please share if you do. Otherwise, Happy Tuesday…at least, it isn’t Monday.

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