Enough with the horse dewormer pills; get a vaccine!

Local health departments across the country have issued warnings to people not to take the drug Ivermectin “in an effort to prevent or treat COVID-19.” Last week, the FDA issued a warning about the drug and telling people that it’s for livestock, not people.


On Friday’s episode of the Rachel Maddow show, Rachel did an excellent job ‘splaining’ the whole Ivermectin issue and other fake (and dangerous) ‘cures’ for COVID-19 that Wing Nuts/MAGAts love to pimp. She also included a group of ‘doctors’ that should lose their medical licenses.

Please take a few moments to watch:

And of course, Poodle Head had to chime in and spout off his endless amount of ignorance:

Rand Paul undecided on Ivermectin to treat COVID-19, says hatred of Trump hinders research

Hatred of former President Donald Trump has kept researchers from looking into the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin and other drugs to treat COVID-19, Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul told constituents on Friday. 

“The hatred for Trump deranged these people so much, that they’re unwilling to objectively study it,” Paul said to the 60 people squeezed into the Cold Spring City Council chambers in this Northern Kentucky suburb just south of Cincinnati. “So someone like me that’s in the middle on it, I can’t tell you because they will not study ivermectin. They will not study hydroxychloroquine without the taint of their hatred for Donald Trump.”

How to Trigger a ‘Fullish’ Wing Nut: Let him and his fellow MAGAts know that even his ‘go to,’ the Cleveland Clinic, advises against taking this ‘fullish’ crap.

Don’t trust the internet — trust your healthcare provider  

How can you protect yourself from COVID-19? By doing the things that the medical community has been encouraging us to do from the start —masking, washing our hands and maintaining a physical distance. Vaccination is also key.   

“There’s a big concern is that people are using ivermectin in place of vaccination. That is very concerning, they are disregarding a COVID therapy that is proven to be beneficial (vaccination) and using something ineffective. This is a very big concern for us. The best thing that providers can do is disseminate this information to make sure people don’t rush into taking this medication which is not going to change their risk for COVID-19.”  

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